Your support is critical to success!

Cast your ‘YES’ vote in-person

Dec 10th

Ballot voting from 7AM-8PM

Precinct 1 & 6

Canton High School

900 Washington Street

Precinct 2 & 7

Senior Center

500 Pleasant Street

Precinct 3

Blue Hill Regional School

800 Randolph Street

Precinct 4 & 5

Former St Gerard’s Church

1860 Washingtonh Street

Compare Canton’s Galvin Middle School to nearby community facilities.

It’s time to replace the aging building - vote YES for GMS!

"Yes for GMS!" seeks to inform and motivate voters to pass the funding votes for the proposed new Galvin Middle School in Canton, Mass. 

“Yes for GMS!” is registered with the Canton Town Clerk and will report all donations and expenses in accordance with Mass. campaign finance laws.  As a Municipal Ballot Campaign, we may ACCEPT DONATIONS FROM BUSINESSES and individuals.

Your donation will be graciously used to fund campaign flyers, print and online advertisements, yard signs, and web fees. Donations over $200 require us to ask for your employer's name and your occupation.

Checks to "Yes for GMS" can be mailed to either:

51 Cedarcrest Rd Canton, MA 02021


41 Elm Street Canton MA 02021

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